February 19, 2025
“Liturgy that immerses the people of God in the rhythms of grace doesn’t merely train them for gospel-centered worship; it trains them for gospel-centered lives.”
—Mike Cosper
For the next liturgical movement, RESPONSE, we will discuss our confession of faith and practice of tithing. The Confession of Faith at Coram Deo involves a group of sources: Scripture, Creeds, and Reformed Confessions. Ultimately, what we do in our confession of faith is offer the faith that God has given us, back to him in worship through statements of truth and expressions of confidence. These confessions also remind us about the content and application of our biblical faith in the world around us.
Liturgical Movements
So, the confession of faith involves worship and instruction at the same time. Isn’t it wonderful that God often uses our worship to reveal more of himself? One more thing - our confession of faith is ecumenical or catholic in the truest sense of the words. We confess according to God’s word, the creeds and confessions, along with all others who hold the Bible and summaries of it to be true. We don’t confess from ecumenical creeds and reformed confessions out of pride and tribalism, but because these texts offer the best reflections of Biblical doctrine. Because they echo the truth in God’s word most clearly, they are the most useful and fitting to offer to God in worship.
While the Confession of Faith offers the spiritual inheritance God has given back to him in worship, our tithes and offerings worshipfully return a portion of God’s material care for us back to him in gratitude. When we tithe, we are not paying the religious equivalent of union dues - we are thanking God for his providential care and mercy and contributing to the maintenance of right worship and fellowship in the church. So, just like the confession of faith, our offerings “rise” before the Lord who, in his great kindness, uses our worship for our benefit, growth, and encouragement in the faith. Tithes are offered to the Lord in worship through the church and should be motivated by gratitude for God’s abundant mercy. The church then is to steward this kingdom resources according to God’s word by supplying material support for those things that grow the household of faith in love of God and love of neighbor. If you are curious about the particulars of tithing (how much, how often…etc.) I happily suggest this article by RC Sproul.
Invocation: Isaiah 57:15; Psalm 63:1-4
Confession of Sin: Isaiah 59:1–2; 1 John 1:8–9
Assurance of Grace Romans 5:6–9
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 9:26–31
Sermon Text: Ruth 1:1-5
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism 124-125