February 5, 2025
Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. I open my mouth and pant, because I long for your commandments.
— Psalm 119:129–131
The second reflection on the liturgical movement, REVELATION, will focus on the preaching of the word alongside some of the distinctives within our Reformed Presbyterian world.
Liturgical Movements
Let me begin by saying that worship is not a prelude to preaching, but hearing and delivering a sermon are both aspects or elements of worship. Preaching is not like a college lecture or podcast, but the explanation and application of God’s word to a particular group of people (the congregation). We are not simply sitting around to find out what a complicated biblical text means - but applying ourselves within the preaching of God’s word to discover what God is saying through his word in our present lives. It is not less than a podcast, lecture, or devotional, but more.
I said I’d mention some distinctives, so I have some five-dollar words for you today. The preaching at Coram Deo is expositive: we typically preach through whole books of the Bible rather than picking a new topic or taking a handful of verses out of context. The preaching at Coram Deo is exegetical: the meaning of the text drives the content of the sermon preached about it. Why is this important? It puts God’s revealed will front and center in the life of the church, right where it belongs. Because God’s word is God’s revealed will, biblical preaching of the word has authority. The importance and centrality of preaching is why the sermon is framed by prayer before and after.
Because this is true, preachers ought to learn biblical languages, interpretation, and effective communication. Hearers ought to put a high priority on preaching in their local churches, by spending time in preparation: praying for their preacher, reading the text before, as well as spending time in reflection and prayer afterward. As we hear a sermon, we should think about what helps us to remember what has been said. Some people are helped by taking notes; others are distracted. Some need to talk about it almost immediately; others need time to absorb and consider it. What is helpful for you? We should also remember that even though preaching is extremely important, preachers are fallen just like everybody else. We should be prepared to hear graciously to see how God’s word applies to us, not a critical spirit looking for “um’s,” rhetorical mistakes, and the like.
Invocation:from Psalm 135
Confession of Sin: 1 Corinthians 1:18-19
Assurance of Grace 1 Corinthians 1:28-31
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 9:9-21
Sermon Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism 120-121