WORSHIP service

Church Location:
The Holley-Mason building
157 S. Howard St., Suite 106
Spokane, WA 99201

Worship Day & Time:
Sundays at 10:30 am

Special Christmas Eve Service at 6pm

We are offering nursery during the worship services at this time.

Educational Hour:
We are offering education hour at this time.

Sermon Audio:
Sermon audio from our weekly worship service is posted on the website every Tuesday. Click here to visit our sermon audio page.

Need additional information about our worship services? Email us.

About our services

1 | Reverence

We are called into the presence of God to worship.

2 | Reconciliation

God’s presence reveals our sin. We confess and repent our sin, and we are pardoned through Christ’s grace and assurance.

3 | Revelation

We learn through the preaching and teaching of God’s word.

4 | Response

We respond to God’s word with our confession of faith and our tithes and offerings.

5 | Renewal

We are rejuvenated after encountering God with the Lord's Supper each week.


Listen to a Sermon