June 15, 2022

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12

What if I told you that your childhood was, or currently is, a training ground for worship? You might scratch your head and give me a weird look. What if I told you that our family lives are designed and intended to give us a foretaste of life in God’s presence? This is one of the reasons why things like child abuse and neglect are such heinous offenses. God has created authority, and given us each our share of it so that we might reflect and worship Him in the midst of His creation. That’s why this commandment comes with a promise “long days in the land the LORD is giving you.” The honoring of parents is an expansive commandment, calling us to give honor and deference to those who share in God’s authority over us. So, no kidding: if you want to know what life with God in glory will be like, start honoring the people God has placed above you with joy, and start honoring the Lord in the share of authority he has given you.


Ross Lumsden