January 15, 2025
I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew he moved my soul to seek him, seeking me;
it was not I who found, O Savior true;
No, I was found of thee.
— Anonymous
As we enter the new year, I’d like to talk about the Gospel shape of Coram Deo’s liturgy for the next several weeks. My hope in these devotionals is to help you prepare yourselves for worship on Sunday by inviting you to look “over my shoulder” each week as I prepare the liturgy so that we are better able to glorify the Lord together on Sunday morning. Our service is divided into five movements that reflect the goal and reality of worship: man’s encounter with one true God. Each movement contains a descriptive title and three repeated elements: Scripture, Prayer, and Singing.
Liturgical Movements
Today’s movement, REVERENCE, includes the Call to Worship accompanied by the prayer and hymn of invocation. Even though we are all active in the busyness of getting to church on Sunday morning - all that busyness is in response to something beyond our control. God himself has called us into his presence for worship, according to Scripture. The call to worship reflects one of the most wonderful but often overlooked truths about the gospel: the Holy God of the Bible has initiated a relationship with us. Our Christian lives and this wonderful truth are well reflected in the hymn “I Sought the Lord,” which is quoted at the top. God has moved our souls to seek him [who is] seeking us. As we find him, we find him as he is: holy, sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing, steadfast in love, abounding in mercy, perfect in justice and righteousness. We are only able to do this - because the God of the Bible has first found us - that is, he saved us in Christ and calls us into his presence in worship through the Holy Spirit - how could we respond in any way other than praising him for his holiness and grace?
The Sunday morning readings are linked below if you would like to use your devotional time in preparation for Sunday worship.
Invocation: Psalm 113
Confession of Sin: Isaiah 26:9-10
Assurance of Grace 1 John 4:9-10 and Psalm 32: 10-11
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-8
Sermon Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12
Confession of Faith: The Apostle’s Creed