February 8, 2023
Most know that the warm glow of anger presents a dangerous temptation - but the problem is that it can be so justifiable! We get cut off in traffic and the insult of it lingers for almost half the day. We come home to a mess and the perceived lack of respect turns us into a smoldering wreck and pollutes the evening with family. Our failure to follow Jesus in these smaller areas of insult create bigger problems when we are sinned against, or recognize major patterns of sinfulness in the world around us. Then (instead of forgiving and praying as we ought) we slander, deride and even wield the truth of the Bible with cruelty in our hearts.
In the next several paragraphs Jesus points to what theologians call the “ceiling” of the law. Because the command “you shall not murder” hinges on the God’s goodness revealed through the creation and sustaining of life - true obedience requires more than not crossing the line of murder. Because we all, equally, were made in God’s image we should be cautious about our words. Jesus does something remarkable: not many of us are tempted toward violence, but we all struggle with matters of speech - whether it’s an actual rant or an imagined one. There are two things for us to consider here.
Lashing out in anger, or quietly nursing a grudge is an attempt to climb into the judgment seat of God. Because Christ quietly bore our sin and reproof, we ought to run to him for help through prayer. He understands the truth of insults far more deeply than we ever will. Remember, “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
Our words shape our hearts - hatred becomes easier once it is spoken! We should bear the image of God in our neighbors at the front of our minds so when we suffer insult, or see sinfulness in them we remain able to leave judgment to the LORD and speak with redemptive truthfulness.