April 27

It is no wonder that the story of Peter’s restoration on the shores of Galilee has gripped countless imaginations. One can almost see John, fixed on that scene; making sure that none of the details escaped him. The memories that lodge themselves in our minds usually accompany things that had life-altering impact (whether good or bad). For example: I can recall, with equal clarity, the moment I proposed to Becky and the day a childhood friend was abducted. Both instances forever changed the course of my life – even though they were categorically different. The awareness that the Lord was equally at work in both has been a process of growth in my knowledge of the Lord. The truth is that his hand shapes us through our successes and failures – but because we continually sin, we seem to learn more through difficulties and struggles. But whether you’re up, or you’re down – the Lord is at work in your circumstances to reveal himself to you, for your good and for his glory.

Ross Lumsden