In addition to our Sunday worship services, we provide several opportunities to gather and grow in smaller groups. Each community is driven by our core beliefs.
Connect Groups
Connect groups provide an opportunity for people to regularly gather in an informal neighborhood setting with the central goal of building trusting relationships.
Connect groups are fluid. Members typically commit to meet weekly or monthly for a season (around 3 months), after which they might choose to participate in a different group.
Connect groups generally incorporate Bible study and prayer. Depending on the members, they may also discuss that week’s sermon, read through a book, or structure their gatherings around a meal.
Contact Paul Proctor to learn more.
Women’s Ministry
Our women’s ministry provides an opportunity for women to practice a committed, studious application of their understanding of God as they share life experiences.
Opportunities include a women’s study group.
Contact Gretchen Parker to learn more.
Men’s Ministry
Our men’s ministry provides an opportunity for men to gain an understanding of their identity, environment, and responsibility within it.
Opportunities include a weekly prayer breakfast and Bible studies.
Contact Kyle Parker to learn more.
Collegiate & 20's Ministry
Coram Deo is interested in the conversation and collaboration within our University, College, University, and 20's community. During the academic year, we host a weekly discursive study and dinner.
Contact Kyle Parker for further information.
Family & Children’s Ministries
Education Hour: Preschool-Adult
On Sunday mornings, there is an Education Hour for adults and youths, and there is nursery care available for infants-preschoolers. The care during this hour is provided in the Infant & Toddler Room, and will be supervised by a church member.
You may sign in your child for this period of time at the room, where a volunteer can answer any questions you may have. When you sign your child into the room, you will be able to give your cell phone number to the worker, who may notify you if you are needed.
While parents are certainly welcome to keep their younger children with them during the service, there is also a nursery for children aged 3 months to 4 years.
Upcoming Events
Please join us at an upcoming event, and be sure to check out our calendar.